Life With Lipstick On

Whole30 Week One Recap

Foodkacee geoffroyComment

After the holiday's and changing of work schedules, Erik and I decided we needed a jump start on our healthy eating habits again.  We decided to challenge ourselves to Whole30. If you follow my Snapchat ( LifewLipstick)  I'm a pretty diverse and healthy eater so came into this challenge super cocky!  Erik on the other hand is pretty picky and the man likes his sauces.  Here are some of the pros and cons of the first week for us. Also don't forget to subscribe to my site for exclusive recipes that are keeping us sane!  Recipes and tips will be sent out every Saturday! 




-Meal prep is my language and I love being prepared for my day with meals already prepped. 

-Lots of eating!  I'm a food person and typically am thinking about food round the clock.  The fact that I can basically eat all day is perfect for me. Erik dittos! 

-Erik like any boy loves to be cooked for and I can't lie in that I love to cook for my family too.  Not only do I prep for myself but I do all his prep.  He's pretty happy about that!

-Knowing that everything we are putting into our body is healthy and pure. 

-Realizing my bad habits and becoming more aware of them.


-Wine!!!!!  Need I say more?

-Milk and Stevia in my morning coffee are one of my most favorite things.  Adjusting to no sugar in coffee is a major bummer!

-Being creative and trying to keep Erik full and fed.  

-Valentine's day treats were super rough!  I was pretty proud of us being able to dodge them. 

-Not confidently being able to dine out.  

Overall, we are making it through okay.  I've had little issue overall other than my habitual snack grabs or wine at night.  Erik I think has struggled more due to his more picky eating habits.  He suffered from headaches a lot for over a week.  I luckily didn't get any headaches yet felt pretty tired and sluggish which is not helpful for a busy mama!  My sanity savers have been fruit and Iced Green Tea from Starbucks.  I have my cousin's bachelorette party this weekend which will be tricky.  If anyone has any tips on mocktails that are Whole30 approved I'd love them!  

  I will keep you all updated with some of my favorite recipes we've tried and a recap of how we do on Week Two.  Wish us luck!